浪潮软件sybase 无法正常备份C:\WINNT\FWB_SERVER_BSnew9

浪潮软件sybase 无法正常备份C:\WINNT\FWB_SERVER_BSnew9

问题描述: Sybase SQLserver,Sybase BCKServer 可以正常启动,财务软件
可以正常使用.但用 dump 命令备份时提示:

Server Message: Number 3216, Severity 10
Backup Server session id is: 9. Use this value when executing
the “sp_volchanged” system stored procedure after fulfilling any
volume change request from the Backup Server.

Server Message: Number 407402, Severity 2
Backup Server: Unable to create database information
file C:\WINNT\FWB_SERVER_BSnew9 : ?グ????

Server Message: Number 8009, Severity 16
Error encountered by Backup Server. Please refer to Backup Server
messages for details.

Server Message: Number 2403, Severity 10
WARNING! Some character(s) could not be converted into client”s
character set. Unconverted bytes were changed to question marks (“?”).
解决方法: 问题解决方法 —–

1. NT Server 的权限设置 相应用户应该拥有 C:\WINNT\ 目录
的 “完全控制” 的权限(该目录在提示中有),否则有以上提示,无法备份.更改权限即可.

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自浪潮888博客

本文链接地址: 浪潮软件sybase 无法正常备份C:WINNTFWB_SERVER_BSnew9


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